Troop Overview

The Troops of Saint George (TSG) is a fraternal Catholic nonprofit apostolate for priests, men, and young men looking for a life of adventure coupled with virtue. The TSG was initially founded in 2013 by Catholic author and professor Dr. Taylor Marshall near Dallas, Texas.

Troop 0202 is comprised of Catholic fathers and sons from Montgomery County, Texas and the surrounding communities. We are based at the Catholic Church of the Presentation and meet once or twice a month with the goal of growing in virtue while learning outdoor and life skills. Our troop:

  • Meets once or twice a month, including campouts, fires and fishing
  • Prays a decade of the Rosary at meetings
  • Promotes fathers leading their sons in Catholic virtue
  • Loves our priests and holds a reverence for the Mass and Sacrament
  • Reveres our Mother Mary

Saint George Trinitarian Salute

The Troops of Saint George salute their officers, the flag, banners of the saints and Our Lady, and crucifixes with the “Trinitarian Salute” – three fingers of the right hand (index, middle, ring) out, and with the pinky and thumb joined signifying that the divine nature of Christ is joined to His human nature: fully God and fully man as taught at the Catholic Council of Chalcedon in AD 431.

Prayer Customs: ad orientem

The cadets usually carry a compass with them. Even when they do not, they should be able to find East. Like the early Christians, the Troops of Saint George pray facing the East in response to Gospel according to Saint Matthew 24:27:

“For as lightning cometh out of the east, and appears even into the west: so shall the coming of the Son of man be.”

The Church believed that Christ’s Second Coming would be revealed “from the east to the west.” The rising sun was an image of the Resurrected Christ.

So at times of prayer (for example, at the Angelus at noon), the Captain or one of the boys should shout “ad orientem” and the men and boys should turn to face East, unless there is already a suitable image or crucifix erected nearby.

The Role of Proverbs for the Troops of Saint George

Each man or young man among the Troops of Saint George must study the biblical book of Proverbs, since it is the Book of the Bible that instructs men how to be come wise and virtuous. There the man will learn why he should resist sexual impurity, alcoholism, quarreling, and financial debt – the chief ways by which men lapse. He will also learn from the Proverbs the riches of knowing God and the blessing of a godly wife and family.

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
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